CRM - Customer Relationship Management App
DesignerWhere's CRM tool is an innovative, easy-to-use, Customer Relationship Management App that helps you run your business. It integrates within our Flex Website platform allowing you to manage contact requests and enquiries, as well as your own tasks. It shows you, at a glance, what is needed to be completed, together with client status.

We looked at third party CRM platforms, hated how complicated they were - so we built our own, and if it's good for us - it's better for you.
Our CRM platform is built around these main areas - CLIENTS, TASKS, SOURCES.
Clients are a database of clients or customers. It's easily searchable, organized by status (Active, Not Active, Waiting, Inactive), you can store what type of client they are, telephone number, email, address, website, as well as notes.
Each client has their own dashboard page, allowing to quickly assign tasks, see an overview of outstanding tasks, as well as a log of activity against that client.