Pepsi's new logo takes inspiration from its '90s design

Pepsi's new logo takes inspiration from its '90s design

Pepsi has just released a new logo which reverts back to its classic 90's design, it comes alongside a rising popularity for the 90's amongst Generation Z and goes agains the recent trend of minimalist bland logos.

Pepsi unveiled a new logo today taking inspiration from its 1990s design amid a surging nostalgia for the era thanks to Gen Z.

Pepsi logo from the 1990's

Pepsi's new logo sees the circle return to a more standard striped pattern, with the wording placed inside. PepsiCo's chief design officer, Mauro Porcini, stated it was because most people asked to draw the logo from memory still produce something like the design used from 1987-1997.

Pepsi's press release pointed to more vibrant colours and a modern font as part of the update. It is expected to roll out in North America in August 2023, before being offered around the world in 2024.